Category: pregnancy

We did Disney!

made some core memories while we were still a family of three!

Hope for the Anxious Mama

From the moment my baby was placed in my arms, I was head over heels in love with him. So in love that I wanted to do everything exactly right. Car seat secured, straps in the right position and tight enough, sleeping in a bassinet in our room — with no blankets or pillows or

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The 50ish item baby registry!

An updated list of items to include on your baby registry to simplify and welcome your new bundle of joy into the world!

Day(s) before baby

We knew L’s arrival was coming soon so we tried to do as much as possible together and with friends in the weeks leading up to it. We went hiking, we had sushi with friends and spent the night before our admittance to the hospital hanging out with our neighbors.  I also got my hair

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