Tag: pregnant

It feels like Fall and I’m here for it

Here are some fun, safe and socially distanced activities for family fun this fall.

34 Week Update!

We are cruising right along and now just over a month away from meeting our little man (or at least hitting our due date!). We’re asking that everyone cross their fingers he is born by his due date – because this mama is ready to be able to tie her shoes without grunting, get out

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Placenta Encapsulation

Had you mentioned placenta encapsulation to me 5 years ago, or even 3, I probably would have loudly said “ew” or “never” or “whyyyy?” but now, I’m on board. My curiosity began after seeing a fit mama that I follow on Instagram post about her own experience with placenta encapsulation. She felt like she had

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Fit Pregnancy

I’ve shared a few times in the past about how I had envisioned being this fit pregnant lady who ran, lifted and sculpted her way through growing a tiny human, and then first trimester sickness hit and that all went out the window. I tried to run again once the sickness passed and it just

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Little Pumpkin on the Way!

My incredibly sweet sister-in-law, Kerah, threw a shower for me in Charlotte so that I could see all of my friends and our family that live there. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing it was to wrap my arms around each of my friends that I haven’t seen since we moved! (Also, I got

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