Tag: bumpdate

36/37 Week Update

I’m technically 37 weeks now, so I’m going to combine weeks 36 and 37 into one post. I just had my 37 week appointment and everything looks good. Strong heartbeat, still active and still head down – but also still carrying high so probably not coming in the immediate future. That being said, I’m getting

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31/32 Week Update

Can anyone else not believe that the holidays are already here? How is it almost December? And we’ve already had Thanksgiving? I was trying to reset the baby countdown timer at my in-laws house because I couldn’t believe it when it said 56 days. That seems SO soon. Baby size: 4 lbs and about 18 inches

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29 Week Update!

I spent part of the week in Boston – my very last work trip before baby makes his appearance! Planes are not fun when you are 7 months pregnant, have a bladder that’s constantly full and you feel twice your normal size, but at least the flights aren’t too long. Work has been stressful lately

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28 week update!

We have entered our third trimester now and can’t believe it! It feels like just yesterday we found out we were expecting and managed to keep it a secret for more than a month before telling our families. And here we are… less than 3 months out from meeting our little man. And plenty to

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27 Week Update!

Hard to believe this is the last week of our 2nd trimester! In less than 3 months we’ll be holding out sweet baby boy in our arms. I can’t wait to meet him but am going to miss those little kicks he gives us. I got to hear his heart beat this week and the

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